Rail Construction Director Morgan Quits

Director of transit engineering Richard Holder will be the acting director of rail construction on an interim basis;

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

To / Destinataire Mayor and Members of Council Chair and Members of the Transit Commission 

File/N° de fichier: 22-2024 

From /  


Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services 

Subject / Objet Transit Services Staffing Update Date: July 31, 2024 

The purpose of this memo is to advise the Mayor and members of Council of an upcoming change in  Transit Services’ Departmental Leadership Team that will take place this fall, and to provide details  on the steps we are taking to ensure continuity of support to our Rail Construction Program. 

Michael Morgan, Director of the Rail Construction Program, has indicated that he will be leaving the  City to pursue other opportunities. Michael will remain at the City until early fall to provide support  through the transition. 

Michael has built a strong, experienced team who will continue to progress the opening of O-Train  Lines 2 and 4, as well as the completion of the east and west extensions of Line 1. That team  includes significant support from independent firms such as Ricardo Rail and Sener Canada who have key responsibilities for engineering and safety assurance. 

Recognizing that the Stage 2 South extension is of immediate and paramount importance to the City,  I have asked Richard Holder, currently the Director of Transit Engineering, to provide interim leadership as the Acting Director of Rail Construction until a permanent replacement can be found.  Richard is very familiar with the Stage 2 South project; he was formerly Manager of Systems and  Operations Integration for the Rail Construction Program, and he is actively engaged in the  commissioning process. Richard will be working closely with key members of the Rail Construction  Program management team, including Denise Lamoureux, Michael Bartlett, Jacelyn Daigle, Eric  Dube and Katie Rossolatos.  

An executive recruitment process has already been initiated for a new Director of the Rail  Construction Program, and I will keep Council informed as it progresses. 

Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate  to contact Richard Holder at extension x or me at x.  

Original signed by, 

Renée Amilcar 

General Manager, Transit Services  


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4 Responses

  1. Bruce says:

    Rearranging the deck chairs while the band plays on and the ship fills even more with flooding.
    Signed by Band Director, Renee Amilcar, and mismanaged by the Mayor and council of the city of Ottawa.

  2. Brian Tansey says:

    what a ( continuing) mess

  3. The Voter says:

    “And another one bites the dust …” and the path to the exit door at the City continues to get worn down.

  4. Richard says:

    Is he leaving because Diane Deans was right to reveal the contractors building the Stage 2 South extension failed the technical criteria so much so that the chickens are about to come home to roost in September?

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