Senators’ Arena Will Shape Next Election: THE VOTER


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The Ottawa Senators LeBreton arena is becoming a central issue in the next municipal election.

By then, we might have the beginnings of an idea of what the ask will be of the city. A wise electorate needs to bear in mind that the next city council will be running the show until 2030 by which time the arena and accompanying development will be well on there way to whatever, if anything, they are destined to become.

Here’s a phase the politicians need to get used to and even practice themselves: “Just Say No!”.

Funnily enough, it may benefit us in this situation that the city is so cozily snuggled up in bed with Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group. The OSEG future is not going to be helped by another entertainment and restaurant centre being built this close to them and they will fight tooth and nail to keep the city from becoming overly involved with the Sens project.

Finally, the debacle that is Landsowne can serve some useful purpose.

The Voter is a respected community activist and long-time Bulldog commenter who prefers to keep her identity private.


For You:

The Question Of A Sens Arena Begins

Sens, NCC Reach LeBreton ‘Agreement In Principle’

The Senators Must Stay In Kanata: GRAY


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