Show Me The Money

We have had fruitful conversions that will begin to bridge the gap between fiscal challenges and transformative funding.

These conversations are the basis for regeneration of the budgetary nirvana to be enjoyed by our partners and friends at Queen’s Park and the hard-working taxpayers of our Ottawa.

The respect and the eagerness to compromise which highlight an ever-growing intimate relationship that will reap results in the near future.

And … oh yeah … we didn’t get any money.



Show Me the Money! Jerry Maguire 1 8) Movie CLIP (1996) HD

This kind of speaks for itself. There is coarse language on this video.


For You:

Developers Back Ford Housing Plan

Hi, I’m Jenna. I’m Here To Help: WAFFLE WATCH

Don’t Be Baird, Carol Anne Meehan: THE VOTER

2 Responses

  1. The Voter says:

    I hope people realise that those “Grip & Grin” pictures don’t normally reflect an actual conversation of any usefulness having taken place between the two individuals. It is quite likely that the higher-ranking person in the picture is parked in a particular location and the lower ranking one has been given a time to show up and get their picture taken with Ford, Bethlenfalvy and/or other senior cabinet ministers.

    If you go to other mayors’ sites, you’ll see a similar photo on pretty well all of them. This gives every mayor or reeve across Ontario the opportunity to say they had a one-on-one with the Premier and whatever cabinet minister is in charge of the issue that’s most relevant in their community. The Minister and the Premier were “glad to have the opportunity to hear about the issues in your community” and will “look forward to future discussions” and then the municipal leader moved on and the provincial leaders were “glad to have the opportunity …” to talk to and share a photo opp with the next municipal leader.

    Nothing of substance happens … other than by implication.

  2. The Voter says:

    Just noticed in his tweet – “The Premier and Finance Minister have been very supportive of Ottawa …”. Does that mean he got a huge cheque from them to cover the contribution shortfall he’s identified?

    No, I thought not. Perhaps he could elucidate on that statement.

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