Sutcliffe Drains City Reserves By A Third: Report


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This is a excerpt from Neil Saravanamuttoo’s series of opinion pieces about Ottawa’s financial situation.

Saravanamuttoo is director of non-profit CitySHAPES and former G20 infrastructure chief economist.

When Mayor Mark Sutcliffe came to power in late 2022, the City of Ottawa had reserves of $663 million. By the end of 2024, we are scheduled to have $436 million.

Over two budgets, Sutcliffe has drained $227 million from reserves. In other words, Mark has drained one-third of our total “rainy day” reserves.

Since the City of Ottawa does not provide a handy comparative table for City of Ottawa reserves, here’s one I’ve created.


This excerpt is courtesy of the city-wide community group Your Applewood Acres (And Beyond) Neighbours


For You:

City Practises Dishonest Government: DOUCET

The City Has A Spending Problem: BENN

Doug Ford, End The Fiasco Of This City Government

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