Tin Soldiers And Trump Is Coming

Early Sunday morning, the wounding of former U.S. president Donald Trump was the third of five trending posts on the Globe and Mail.

That’s astonishing.

The favourite to win the upcoming U.S. election, the death of a spectator and the shooting of the alleged suspect is the third most popular post on Canada’s national newspaper.

How can that be? Have Canadians become so accustomed to violence south of the border that the shooting of an ex-president is greeting with apathy? Is that business-as-usual in a country that espouses freedom so much that the right to bear arms is sacred. What kind of insanity is that?

Worse than that is a sick attitude that allows school children to be shot by disturbed people and yet no significant arms control results.

Furthermore. how will the mega-A-type personality of Trump respond to being bloodied? Trump is a eccentric and bizarre person … a felon who could become president. There was a time when committing a crime would eliminate a candidate from holding the office of dog-catcher let alone the U.S. presidency. The biggest shortages in the world now are ethics, competence and empathy. You don’t need to look for those shortages within Ottawa’s own borders.

The madness is not complete. A strong proponent of the right-to-bear arms is shot. When gun proponents are shot, where does the insanity end? A beer-hall putsch on Jan. 6? Dictatorship-by-democracy as per the last days of the Weimar Republic?

Your agent lost faith in the U.S. during the early days of the Covid crisis when that country held onto vaccines and other anti-Covid goods that had been purchased by Canada in a free-trade relationship. Those are your friends? Friends perhaps by necessity but not necessarily friends. When the going gets tough, the bullies don’t help. It speaks volumes about Americans. In the relationship between our two countries, it’s all about them.

Instead of honouring the free-trade deal in a time of crisis, the Americans took the greedy route. Free trade until it becomes inconvenient. Free trade as long as America comes first. In other times, people called that ethnocentrism. Easier is greedy and selfish.

That our new free-trade partners in the European Union jumped to sell vaccines in the Covid crisis to Canada speaks volumes. It puts the Americans to shame if they had any shame. Almost all of them didn’t know and couldn’t care less.

A lot of guns down there. A lot of guns in the hands of whack-jobs and misguided people. Kind of stupid people.

Guns everywhere and the centre is not holding. We can only hope that a Trump-led U.S. will ignore Canada. You don’t know what that guy might try next.

Canada should prepare to defend itself with the limited resource we have.

Tin soldiers and Trump is coming.

Ken Gray

For You:

Government Doesn’t Work For You: WAFFLE WATCH

City Hall Creates New Transportation Nightmare: BENN

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5 Responses

  1. Anderson Davies says:

    I am noticing that a lot of a certain political ilk are upset that he missed. I have no use for Trump but does one want a dementia patient (amongst other things) with his finger on the button. Seems I heard that when a Republican president had his finger on the button by the name of Reagan from the other side of the divide.

  2. Ken Gray says:


    I think the man is dangerous and who knows how bad it could get if he is U.S. president.

    Will it be a Putin-style democracy?

    Will it come with the accoutrements of Putin?

    No I don’t think he should be shot. He’s a human being, not a mad dog.

    But not much of a human being.



  3. sisco farraro says:

    Ken. A line above struck me as I read your article and continued along . . . “The biggest shortages in the world now are ethics, competence and empathy.” I lean to the right inasmuch as I believe the people who work the hardest and put forth the greatest effort should receive the greatest rewards, not those who cheat the system and succeed riding the backs of others. Why have strong work ethics fallen by the wayside in this country of ours?

  4. Peter Jan Karwacki says:

    after surviving an assassination attempt, President Trump didn’t hurriedly rush off the stage. Even after he was surrounded by multiple Secret Service agents, and evident that his life was in danger, he chose to stand on the stage and raise a fist in the air

  5. Watching Carefully says:

    China, Russia and the USA all under dictators and all wanting more oil, water and minerals. From the West, South and North, what could possibly go wrong for Canada?

    Biden is not fit but he will be surrounded by better people, not criminals, unqualified MAGA public sector workers in what ever is left of the public service. Biden will not use the instruments of power to take revenge. 50 global economist predict a much worse economy under Trump.

    Bidens values will remain steady.

    Trump will use his shooting to say no one, not even the President is safe. So arm up to protect yourself.

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