Want Feds’ Money, Your Worship? Do A Whitton

The federal government might not be providing the amount of money it should to cities across the country … hard to say.

And Mayor Mark Sutcliffe’s “Fairness Campaign” might be a deflection to cover massive tax increases in the next budget for woeful municipal mismanagement. And he could appeal the federal payments, but he’s not.

However, Charlotte Whitton got things done. The Ottawa mayor at times during the 1950s and ’60s, threatened to turn off the water taps to federal buildings in Ottawa.

Whitton, for all of her drawbacks, some of which were very serious, handled the feds.

During her days, the federal government refused to pay municipal property taxes. Whitton said the federal government was getting these services for free, which they were and the city wanted compensation.

The threat eventually got the federal government to contribute funding to the city for the services provided.


For You:

Stop O-Train, Save Money: PATTON

City Needs Top Public Needs In Consultations: BENN

Poor Mike Patton. He’s Got The Covid


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1 Response

  1. Ron Benn says:

    Instead of turning off the water, the city should consider blocking access to the parking garages/lots of the federal government buildings. This might lead to a material increase in OC Transpo ridership. If it works, do the same thing to city buildings.

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