Watson And Kanellakos: Together Again: MULVIHILL

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What other secrets are hidden in the halls of Ottawa City Hall?

Here’s one. The recently unveiled memorandum of understanding document concerning the Tewin lands east of the city.

Former mayor Jim Watson was captain of this once grand city hall but now sinking ship. This document was created when Watson was mayor and top staffer Steve Kanellakos was city manager. Together again. The two gifts that keep on giving. Plus the MOU with Tewin Landowners paying for city officials to work on the project and even seconding city staff for the project when necessary.

It’s doubtful that Watson and Kanellakos didn’t know of this MOU with practices that rival or exceed the LRT project.

Former city treasurer, interim and now city manager Wendy Stephanson’s signature is on the MOU. One would think, given Stephenson’s prominent role, she should have known better. The public trust of city hall is gone. Stephanson needs to go.

Meanwhile, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe had to know about this document or, if he didn’t, he should have. Either way, it’s not good. Neither option is acceptable and he should resign.

This MOU was well hidden deep in pages of the Official Plan. So what else went on during Watson’s term?

Who knew? What did they know? When did they know it?

Donna Mulvihill is a community activist and former hospital coordinator

1 Response

  1. Liz says:

    Agree. It is time for accountability.

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