What’s In Leiper’s Heart Is Not Pretty

So let’s just crystalize what planning committee chairman Jeff Leiper did with his comment: “Change will come to the bungalow belt.”

The look on his face was along the lines of “these people will get theirs.” Get theirs for what? Being good honest citizens who have worked hard to pay for a nice home, raised a family and have been law-abiding people.

Their crime is owning a home. When did that become a crime?

These are people, in the so-called bungalow belt, who have done nothing to have the joy of their home destroyed by intensification. These are worried people. Their home and their families mean everything to them.

And the Kitchissippi councillor is doing nothing to salve their fears. In fact, he’s increasing them. That’s not the job of the planning committee chairman. His words are cruel. Leiper should not be in position of authority with that attitude.

Putting fear into honest good people is not Leiper’s role. He should ashamed.

So Leiper wants to show those people in the bungalow belt. Leiper owns a single-family home in the old west end. Doubtful he will have two four-unit residences on either side of his residence. But people might get that in the ‘bungalow belt.

He took that same attitude into Highland Park with an arrogance unbecoming of any person, let alone the individual who has the power to destroy people’s joy of their home.

With his off-handed rude comment and the accompanying smirk, in a few seconds Leiper showed what he wanted to do in the ‘bungalow belt.’ And he did it with glee.

That’s not a person who should be in a position of power and most certainly not the planning committee chairman.

His words were ominous and cruel and gave Ottawans a peek into Leiper’s heart and agenda.

It’s not pretty.

Ken Gray


For You:

A Cruel Truth From The ‘Bungalow Belt’

Jeff Leiper Should Resign

Get Humble, Leiper, Not Smug


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2 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    I have trouble keeping track of the clowns at city hall sometimes, Ken. This is the guy who’s going to save the environment by making the world safe for bicyclists, right? He sounds like he should be sitting side by side with JD Vance. He’d get a bigger portion of the screen.

  2. Closely Watching says:

    I has a call from a older friend, Her husband had had a heart attack so she had been able to follow the ZBL machinations. We worked out that she was on a corner of what will soon be changed into a corridor so the density expected of her and her neighbours’ property will be over 12 units. Her question was: Do we need to move? Should we move now?

    It was heart breaking, not just that she had uncertainty to live with but because there is no where to go.

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