Why Was Leiper Filming His Bike Ride?

Given the telling post featuring Andrew Zenner and the Facebook post by Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper, the motives of the councillor and his methods on his recent cycling incident are in question.

This makes even more relevant a comment by The Voter on the background to the incident.

Here’s The Voter:


Why is Leiper filming this in the first place? Is he waiting for this to happen? Even anticipating it? Does he film all his bike treks?

What happens if someone comes at him on his right which could happen at an intersection or with someone pulling out of a driveway or parking space? If someone ‘doors’ him, he won’t get that on camera.


All this is faintly reminiscent of an observation by talk show host David Letterman about his rival Jay Leno.

Letterman said he was impressed by Leno helping out people stranded on the roadside. One caution however.

Why did Leno bring a camera crew with him to film the act of a good samaritan?


For You:

Did Jeff Leiper Provoke Cycling Incident?

Leiper Takes Car Lane Instead Of Bike Lane

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15 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    Many cyclists ride with cameras for the same reasons drivers have dashcams.

    The councillor routinely posts videos of his commute to YouTube.

  2. M says:

    The car brain has a difficult time comprehending what it is like to commute by bicycle in this city.

  3. Been There says:

    Not knowing much about cycling hardware, but a bit about cameras, I suspect Leiper’s handlebar mounted camera has a very wide angle lens, similar to the dashcams available for cars. I also suspect the reason he was using the camera is the same one why motorists use dashcams. Riding and driving in Ottawa are both dangerous and in the event of a collision any bit of evidence will help the police and insurance companies with their investigations. I have read many times where the police ask to be contacted by anyone with dashcam video of an accident or fatality. Leiper like many motorists, equipped with a dashcam, is simply being proactive and protecting himself.

  4. Kosmo says:

    From the very short video, too me it seems like he’s trying to create a story.

    His camera is pointed to the left, he gets the horn from a car driver has the wherewithal to keep calm, give the finger and move his camera straight ahead. All that while moving closer to the middle of the car lane, passing another biker without any kind of signal.

  5. C from Kanata says:

    I am less upset about his video than I am with his “Take the lane Tuesday” irresponsible post. To encourage cyclists to ride in the middle of the car lane instead of in cycle lanes WHEN THERE ARE BIKE LANES PRESENT is not promoting safe cycling. It is meant to antagonize motorists to provoke a response and it’s very likely going to get someone killed or hurt if they follow his “leadership”. The aim is for everyone to get home safe and alive, but he seems so intent to believe that he must punish or antagonize drivers by preventing them from passing – power trip maybe? Kind of like those drivers that refuse to let you pass on the highway? This is beyond bizarre!

  6. Miranda Gray says:

    Be responsible journalists and do basic research.

    He has filmed many of his cycling trips for years. The oldest cycling trip on his YouTube channel from 9 years ago. His personal website has an entire section of videos by active transportation.

  7. Nicholas says:

    I’m both a driver, and a pedestrian. As a driver i give bikes all the time in the world to be the arrogant, red light/stop sign running, traffic law flaunting cyclists they want to be. There’s nothing I can do about it and cops don’t enforce the law. As a pedestrian, I’ve been hit by cyclists riding on sidewalks.
    So, where in my sphere of experience do cyclists fit? Top of the food chain, exactly where they want to be. Fair? Absolutely not.

    As for Jeff, he records everything the minute he steps outside his front door and has done so since becoming councilor. Nothing new there. I think this particular video was a confluence of bad behaviour; Jeff ‘taking the lane’, the red car passing him when they shouldn’t have, and the location being unaccommodating for possible screw ups on either side. Everyone, including Jeff, should have behaved better.

  8. sisco farraro says:

    I know this is a moot point but because of the two of camera angles, leftwards and straight ahead, Leiper would have had his camera mounted on his helmet.

  9. Ken Gray says:


    Always enjoy an ethics lesson from you. Helpful as ever.

    I don’t care how long he has been filming bike trips. That fact is irrelevant. The issue is the current video.

    That said, I’d love to see some of the video from his stone bike trips on the Dinosaur Thruway.

    Yabba dabba dooo.

    Try responsible commenting.



  10. Cameron Fraser says:

    “I’m not spreading accusations without evidence. I’m just asking questions?”

    Leiper was likely filming for the same reasons many drivers use dashcams…to provide evidence in the event of a collision.

    Why was the camera looking left? Well, that’s where most of the traffic passing a cyclist is.

    What if something happens to his right? Many cycling cameras have very wide views. Some record 360 degrees, with the choice of specific view to show being made when selecting what to post. If there had a been a threat from the right, he could have shown a view to the right.

    What you post fails to consider is some hard truths.

    1. Leiper was riding entirely legally. The driver broke the law with an unsafe pass in oncoming traffic.

    2. Implicit in getting a license, and deciding to drive a car, is the obligation not to kill anyone with it. (This should be obvious and should be made explicit to everyone who drives.)

    3. The difference between a cyclist and a driver is that if the cyclist makes a big mistake, the cyclist dies. If the driver makes a big mistake, it’s still the cyclist who dies.

  11. M says:

    Drivers own cars, they don’t own the road. Legally bikes can take the lane, and drivers need to give them space. The fundamental issue here (in my opinion) is the driver’s expectation. Most drivers don’t want their travel impeded by anything, and get annoyed if they do.

    The driver in Jeff’s video passed him for no reason at all. He gained nothing by it, as he was stopped by a red light shortly after. Most people’s gut reaction is to get upset by having something in their way.

    My experience (both while driving and biking), is that drivers don’t bother looking ahead to see if there is any point in speeding up.

    Removing the car from the equation — the number of times I’ve been routinely and aggressively passed by other drivers while I’m coasting towards a red light with 10 cars waiting. Yes, I’m doing 50km\h in an 80km\h one, but only because speeding to a red light is a waste of gas, and my brakes!

    It is the very definition of “car brain.”

  12. The Voter says:


    I was actually just asking questions. I don’t bike much any more because the streets in my neighbourhood aren’t safe. It’s about a 10-15 minute walk to the nearest bike path. The only videos I take on my phone are of my grandkids and I wasn’t aware that cyclists are wont to record all their trips. I hadn’t made the connection between what Leiper’s doing and the use of a dashcam in an automobile.

    Sometimes people do ask questions as a way of looking for information, not making accusations, veiled or otherwise. I think Miranda referred to it as doing research.

  13. This place is a joke says:

    Beyond stupid, no clue how you consider yourself a journalist lmao, please stop posting.

    “Why is Leiper filming this in the first place? Is he waiting for this to happen? Even anticipating it? Does he film all his bike treks?” yes he quite literally does, you would know this if you did even the most bare minimum amount of research, like not even reaching out to him but just opening his youtube account and seeing that he posts all of his trips in full.

    “What happens if someone comes at him on his right which could happen at an intersection or with someone pulling out of a driveway or parking space? If someone ‘doors’ him, he won’t get that on camera.” 360 degree camera, again literally the most basic amount of research would have told you this. You’re a complete joke, please stop embarassing yourself

  14. Andrew says:

    I am surprised at this post, It is interpreted in its questions, this is about ethics instead of safety.

    I am concerned that a regular activity such as recording a bike trip is in question when the video showed a road rage activity of a CAR vs a Bicycle.

    My sister and I were both hit by cars while riding bikes (different years). She died of her injuries the same day, and I caught up to the car and called police. Both of us were lit up for visibility. Both times the car was not even dented or marked.

    All to say to us car drivers: we or our car will never be hurt by a bike, but it could be fatal if you hit a bike with a car. Please slow down and give room for bikes, they are likely trying their best to get out of the way of our cars, I know I do!

  15. The Voter says:

    This place is a joke,

    I’m not sure where you got the impression that I was a journalist – that’s not the case. I’m also not a cyclist so don’t know what cyclists do or don’t record. If I want to post questions here to get information, that is totally my right. I have learned a lot from those who provide information here civilly.

    I’m under no obligation to do an investigation into Jeff Leiper’s activities by looking up his Youtube account or checking his website. I was able to get the information right here without going on what could have been a wild goose chase and prefer to use my time constructively.

    I don’t know if you ride horses or just bikes. For the sake of argument, let’s say that you don’t ride and I do. Do I have the right to expect you to know everything about horse riding as you have presumed that I should about cycling? If you asked questions, I would think you were doing your research and would respond respectfully.

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