Would You Trust OC Transpo? PATTON




Not knowing the Trillium LIne completion date inspires no trust in OC Transpo, Bulldog commentator Mike Patton says.

No one sells cars like OCTranspo

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and a Conservative activist.


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3 Responses

  1. Bruce says:

    Wonder if the whole of the LRT “contract” is in reality a blank cheque? Typically a contract would have penalties and bonus clauses for poor and good performance, in particular meeting (or not) specific dates. Is this clause absent from the lost remuneration transit build contract? If not the contractor should have filed for bankruptcy long ago since NO DATES have been met and the penalty by now must be horrendous, unless there is an escape by way of the city having made multiple change orders.

  2. Kosmo says:

    Don’t we want the truth in Ottawa? The first time the city is truthful we jump all over city hall.

    ” I don’t know ” has got to be the most truth we’ve heard since construction started on the LRT.

  3. Ron Benn says:

    WoeC Transpo issued a very long memo last week. Many words telling us pretty much nothing. Per an article on the CBC last week, OC Transpo’s Michael Morgan talked about how the switches that route the trains along the single track tunnel under Dow’s Lake aren’t working satisfactorily. Why isn’t that in the memo to council? Why isn’t that the lede to the entire memo?

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