LRT: A Sign Of Lost Promise

This is a photo of a bizarre sign along Limebank Road sent to The Bulldog by an avid reader:

lrt.sign .h


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4 Responses

  1. Ron Benn says:

    Just a few years behind schedule. Not far off the performance of the SNC Lavalin led consortium that is expanding/extending the Trillium Line.

  2. John Langstone says:

    I walked along the LRT from Westboro to Tunney’s Pasture yesterday. Here we have a project brutally behind schedule, no tracks laid west of Tunneys and little evidence of any work being done. Is there any understanding how a project so far behind schedule doesn’t have some evidence of expedited work on site? And in terms of disappearing procurement audits, without a look at how this happened, how in the world can we prevent it happening again?

  3. Been There says:

    Ford’s new Ottawa office was said to take complaints. Will he now look into and do an audit of all phases of the LRT project?

  4. Ken Gray says:


    Very good point.


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