Ken Gray Is A Dinosaur

Well look Mr. Ready For Rail, I’m old but I’m not THAT old.

I missed the primordial ooze by a fair margin and dinosaurs by easily a couple of hundred years.

Mr. Rail in a series of posts on X maintained that your agent is a dinosaur but unfortunately I could only use one post from Ready F. Rail because the rest contained the f-word. We believe in free speech here at Bulldog World Headquarters but even we raptors have limits.

Still in the spirit of free expression and a diversity of viewpoints, we give you Mr. Rail’s post on X:


Mr. Rail in the same spirit that we published your X post on the venerable Bulldog, we hope that you will contribute a donation to this website to insure that free speech continues in municipal Ottawa.

Don’t worry, Mr. Rail … we don’t accept cheques so you don’t have to sign an X and have someone who can read co-sign it.

Just get out your dusty credit card and donate until your wallet screams.

In fact, below we will give you your own Ready F. Rail “Donate” button. Actually anyone can use it and we hope they do.

Thank you for being so generous Mr. Rail.

Ken Gray


For You:

Pledge Week: Donate To The Bulldog

When Will OC Transpo Get It? PATTON

Labour Council Backs Sutcliffe ‘Fairness’ Campaign


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2 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    Don’t forget, Ken, that rail is also a verb. Perhaps “Ready to Rail (on Ken Gray)” mistakenly used the word as a noun.

  2. Ken Gray says:

    You know sisco that grammar stuff always screws me up.



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