Buses, Not People, Botch Routes: WHOPPER WATCH


whopper.watch .12.26


“This morning we are seeing an increase in the number of buses missing their trips.”

OC Transpo Helps


This explains a lot.

At first blush, you’d say that some tall foreheads at OC Transpo would have caused bus trips disappearing.

But not so. According to the whopper above, the buses caused these problems. So do buses run OC Transpo or does management? Looks like the buses because people could not possibly have missed the lost runs.

One other thing we have learned … buses are people, too.

And city hall never does anything wrong. It’s somebody else’s fault. Now it’s the buses’ fault.

The city of Ottawa is running out of blame options.

Ken Gray

For You:

The Case Of The Disappearing Buses

Sutcliffe Practises Budget Gymnastics: POTTER

OC Transpo Is Doing What? BIFF DA BEAR


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4 Responses

  1. David says:

    Never forgotten moment. 25 years ago – I stood at the corner of Bank and Somerset at noon waiting for the bus to head west – at I imagine a temp of -25. The bus was REALLY late. When it showed up at last, I got on board and said to the driver: “Glad you made it. I’m near frozen.” I did not scream this (as I should have) or speak in an aggressive manner. I was near frozen. I sat in the front right seat and shivered. The driver started up……. then stopped the bus. He got out of his seat and stomped over to where i was sitting – and screamed at me. Threatening me with what – I can’t remember. It was just garbled. 25 years on TRANSPO and that is my one memory of that outfit. I couldda registered a complaint. But my hands were frozen.

  2. sisco farraro says:

    “The city of Ottawa is running out of blame options”? One of Sisco’s 10 Rules of Life – “The Excuses Database is Full”. And a corollary to that – “There’s lots of room in the Solutions Database”. Wendy, et. al., see if you can start populating the solutions database.

  3. C from Kanata says:

    A cancelled bus is one thing, a Ghost Bus is another. Ghost buses are those you see approaching using your cell phone app, hope rises as you see it coming closer and closer, and then the app says it is in front of you, but you never saw it. Then your app says the next bus is in 30 minutes. Ghost buses truely crush your soul

  4. MM says:

    Wow, I just realized that buses are working from home too.

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