City Creates ‘Problematic Properties’ Webpage

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:


This memo serves to inform Members of Council of the recently created Problematic Properties webpage on



During the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee meeting of March 21, 2024, staff were directed to explore the feasibility of creating a Problematic Property page on the City of Ottawa website, which included the definition of a problematic property, links to report to 3-1-1 and other resources, including a flowchart to assist communities and a list of departments involved in a problematic property.

Problematic properties generate frequent complaints and safety concerns which negatively impact the surrounding communities; property standards and maintenance violations, waste and debris, pests and other nuisances.

The City of Edmonton has created a similar page to help its residents navigate these types of complaints.



Staff consulted with various stakeholders and were able to develop content for the page. The Problematic Properties webpage is now live on

Next Steps

By-law and Regulatory Services will work closely with its municipal partners to address identified problematic properties within the City of Ottawa.

The website will be updated on an as need basis. BLRS will also work with Service Ottawa to determine the feasibility of creating a dedicated mechanism to report problematic properties online.

Questions on the new problematic properties webpage may be directed to Jennifer Therkelsen, Program Manager, By-law Enforcement.



Thank you,

Roger Chapman


By-law and Regulatory Services


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1 Response

  1. C from Kanata says:

    I was kind of hoping there was a list of those properties, for nosey neighbour purposes

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