5 Responses

  1. Ron Benn says:

    Councillor Devine needs to get out of city hall. Not by way of the parking garage exit. No, just out the front door, turn east and look at the moat that Colonel By installed more than a century ago.

  2. sisco farraro says:

    1. What is the problem that needs to be addressed?
    2. What is the desired outcome?
    3. What is the root cause of the problem?
    4. What other solutions were considered?
    5. Why were the other solutions discarded in favour of the one chosen?
    6. $660,000 for 28 metal posts? And Mark Sutcliffe doesn’t understand why the federal and provincial governments don’t take him seriously?

  3. Ron Benn says:

    Sisco, there are not just metal posts. You are right. Just metal posts shouldn’t cost $660K. But for ‘world class’ metal posts, metal posts that can be raised and lowered with the wave of a wand, metal posts that shine in the dark, metal posts that will balance the budget, metal posts that ‘fill in the blank’ … for those metal posts $660K is a bargain.

  4. Peter Karwacki says:

    Fiscal austerity is required but while ee see asphalt patching of concrete sidewalks, railroad track roads, lack of public washrooms. …these bollatds ate far too grand. You needed concrete barriers..that is all. Fire them, fire them all.

  5. The Voter says:

    Somebody needs to tell the councillor that he, as a member of Council, is responsible for oversight of what goes on at City Hall. Was the expenditure of 2/3 of a million dollars approved by Council? Did he raise any concerns at that time or, as so often happens down there, just wave it through without any questions?

    I guess he is oblivious to the moat he and other members of council have constructed between themselves and the residents of the city and between themselves and the real world.

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