NCC Does Deal With Mega-Firm Live Nation

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Isn’t Live Nation the conglomerate that controls enough of the entertainment venues across North America that it’s difficult for artists who want to tour unless they submit to the conditions this mega-corp demands?

Live Nation is the company the National Capital Commission teamed up with to create a concert hall in the Old Chapters building on Rideau Street. For example, you may be restricted to using TicketMaster to sell the tickets for not only the shows in their properties but for your whole tour.

There are lots of artists who are ready for mid-size halls such as this. They’ve graduated from playing bars and nightclubs but aren’t ready for the Civic Centre or the Canadian Tire Centre. They shouldn’t be pushed into the maw of Live Nation because they got their hands on the only mid-size venue in town.

The National Capital Commission doesn’t seem to have done much consultation with the music community in Ottawa or beyond before taking up with these people. Taylor Swift could have filled them in about TicketMaster had they asked.

Wasn’t there any local interest in the venue?

The Voter is a respected community activist and long-time Bulldog commenter who prefers to keep her identity private.


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