OC Transpo Keeps Experiencing Building Delays

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Who had this on their OC Transpo BINGO card?

As revealed at the recent transit commission meeting, the City of Ottawa’s LRT Line 1 will be partially closed this summer after Bluesfest. Line 2, Greenboro to Bayview Station, and Line 4, South Keys to the airport, might be ready in the third or fourth quarter of 2024. Might.

The Line 1 eastern extension, more than a year delayed, is now looking at possibly opening late 2025. Possibly. Work continues on leaks in the downtown tunnel and stations. Leaks.

OC Transpo general manager Renée Amilcar did not provide specifics on any of the above.

What is going on at Ottawa City Hall and does anyone in the upper echelon have any semblance of openness left to let the poor taxpayers in on the secrets surrounding this LRT debacle?




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3 Responses

  1. The Voter says:

    Darn! My OC Bingo card doesn’t have any dates on it after December 2027. I think you’re going to have to issue a whole new set of cards. Maybe date them from January 2028 to December 2032.

    It’s interesting that if Tim Tierney hadn’t asked the question about his residents being able to use the O-Train’s Orleans extension to get to Bluesfest, we might not have heard about this latest delay.

    We need to prime at least one councillor at every Transit Commission and LRT Subcommittee meeting to ask Mme Amilcar if the train will run past Blair on specific dates. Otherwise will she share the info? It seems that’s not part of her job as she sees it. That’s a job description in need of some serious revision. Maybe a performance review is needed too.

  2. Brocklebank says:

    I have been puzzled by coverage of the Trillium Line opening, which is repeated here in Bulldog. If the Line 2 is from Bayview to Greenboro and Line 4 is South Keys to the Airport, the two lines do not connect. Is a passenger from the Airport going to Bayview expected to walk (with suitcase) from South Keys to Greenboro?
    What is the plan for opening the new Trillium Line which is intended to go beyond Greenboro to South Keys, Leitrim and Bowesville stations? Is is intended to first operate only from Bayview to Greenboro or is the whole Bayview to Bowesville line to come into operation?

  3. The Voter says:

    If you check OC’s website under “O-Train Extension” and then “South” and “Lines/Stations”, you’ll see that the transfer point is South Keys which is where Line 4 starts. It goes to Uplands Stn. and then the Airport. You may still have to haul your bags some distance but it won’t be as far as Greenboro Stn.

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