Pledge Week: Donate To The Bulldog

So just think of this as PBS Pledge Week for The Bulldog.

I think this is how the pitch goes at PBS.

Our costs have increased with inflation and our advertising provider has cut its payout to publishers. The Bulldog’s revenue dropped during the spring and winter by as much as 60 per cent a month. We are not alone with other publishers hurt even more than this website.

Then, of course, there’s an economic downturn on the way and the first thing companies do when they see bad times is cut the advertising budget. That’s easier than cutting people.

The Bulldog has myriad costs but the largest by far is insurance. And strangely enough, that keeps going up in price. The community newspaper insurance cooperative to which The Bulldog subscribes has lost publications but the costs remain the same. Insurance dwarfs our other bills. So if you wonder where your donation is going, it’s to insurance.

We need your help. We could make this easy and just erect a paywall but here at Bulldog World Headquarters but we’d like to keep this mighty publication free. A paywall at 186,000 pageviews a week could be quite lucrative but it would also turn your agent into more of a bookkeeper than now. Didn’t get into journalism for that.

So donate to The Bulldog. Be generous. We’re doing a lot of hard work for you and we’ve created many new features recently. Our energetic group of contributors donates their time and effort for you. And we’ve got kibble and milk bones to buy.

So donate to keep this independent source of Ottawa news and comment flourishing. We are beholden to no one but our readers. If you think The Bulldog is important, donate. The alternative is a paywall which would cut this publication’s reach and put pressure on people short of income. This puppy would prefer not to go paywall.

Donations are easy. Just look at the top of the left-hand column for the form on your laptop or tablet. Or underneath the posts on mobile. Or with the donation buttons from this page. We accept all major credit cards and your personal information remains private.

We’ve been giving you The Bulldog free for 15 years. We’d like to keep it that way if we can.

Thank you in advance.

Ken Gray

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