Severe West-End Water Damage From Storm

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

Dear Mayor Sutcliffe and Members of Council,

I want to provide a brief summary of the impacts of today’s significant rain event.

Across the City, the impacts were generally minor. The exception is in the West, where there is significant damage to some roads.

West Carleton and Kanata experienced some flooded roads/intersections today. In some areas, the damage is severe. For example, we have some culverts washed out and some partial road collapses. Public Works Department (PWD) and Infrastructure and Water Services Department (IWSD) are working together and will begin assessing damage to roads to determine what repairs are required.

I would like to thank Roads and Traffic staff from our Public Works Department, as well as the Ottawa Police Service, who worked together to close the flooded roads and intersections in the West this afternoon to ensure public safety. All roadway impacts due to flooding are being updated on the City’s interactive traffic map.

Please note that residents are encouraged to keep checking this map as some of today’s road closures may persist.

Infrastructure and Water Services Department attended a small number of basement flooding calls today. They also ensured the continuous operation of critical water and wastewater infrastructure throughout the event. In addition, there were a handful of residential properties in West Carleton that needed sump pumps deployed by the Ottawa Fire Services (OFS). For those homes, the OFS conducted electrical safety checks and cleared culverts in the area.

The City’s Public Information and Media Relations team continued to keep residents informed throughout the day and provided guidance based on current conditions via social media. Safety information and flooding prevention measures were proactively communicated on a dedicated page on

At this time, the Office of Emergency Management will continue to monitor the situation and will coordinate any residual issues across City Services.

The City remains available and encourages residents to report any issue through 3-1-1. As previously noted, PWD and IWSD are starting their assessment work. They will provide an update once they have determined the full extent of the infrastructure damage, as well as what repairs will be necessary.

Thank you for your support.





Beth Gooding (she/her/elle)

Director | Directrice


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4 Responses

  1. David says:

    Is there communication department /officer at City Hall?

    1. Who is “Beth – Director”? What is this person’s role?
    2. If this person is staff, it is extraordinary for a staff member to heap praise on personnel, agencies or departments for working together. That is to be expected. If, however, service is way beyond the call of duty, it is to be noted by the Mayor and / or City Council.

  2. The Voter says:

    Something very odd about that memo but I can’t quite put my finger on it. What could it be?

    Aah! I see the anomaly! There’s no “Interim” before her job title! She’s a City employee but she’s actually got the job. This is amazing.

  3. Ken Gray says:

    Funny Voter but I looked for the same thing. cheers kgray

  4. Andrew says:

    As a manager in Government it is imperative that if you reference a Website, Bylaw or policy that you also include a direct link or attachment to that reference.
    This was not done yet she says the public should consult the “interactive map”. After 6 minutes of searching I found a interactive map, yet it only lists road projects planned. nothing Identifying flooding.
    Where are we getting directors like this? This is a large city yet it feels like a village when it comes to public information.

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