Find Root Cause Of City’s Woes: WHOPPER WATCH .12.26


“… Infrastructure and Water Services will work with Rideau Transit Maintenance to develop a plan to ensure that passenger access can be safely provided while further inspection  work and remedial measures are undertaken to address the root causes of this issue.”

City general managers Renée Amilcar and Tammy Rose


Root causes … doubtful Pinocchio would run with this one.

Ottawans, who pay for the bizarre machinations at city hall, are still waiting for the root cause of the 2021 LRT derailment.

In fact, the city would not release a report that purported to address the root cause of the derailment. When the CBC finally got its hands on the report, it didn’t address the root cause of the mishap despite the fact that root cause was in the title of the report. The city would not release a report on the root cause of the derailment with root cause in the title of the report which did not address the root cause of the derailment. Talk about paranoid. The mind wobbles.

The city has a problem.

Well, in fact it has myriad problems but this is a major one.

It has lied, lied by omission, withheld vital information, covered up and committed illegal acts. If the city said the sun would rise tomorrow, smart Ottawans would be wise to check just to be sure it did.

Trust is easy to lose but almost impossible to get back. That’s the situation in which our municipal government finds itself.

This civic government is not to be trusted, does not even try to be trusted but is most interested in protecting its very comfortable butts, even at the expense of what is right.

That’s no way to run anything … let alone a government that purports to do what’s best for its citizens.

Municipal government is our government, not your government.

City hall needs a major house-cleaning. Voters and activists should be finding candidates for the next election to accomplish this house-cleaning.

Ken Gray


Here’s a man with a great future at Ottawa City Hall.


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4 Responses

  1. Ron Benn says:

    The root cause of many of Ottawa’s many woes is looking back at the person in the mirror.

    For far too many individuals who populate the senior corridors of city hall, including councillors, ‘meh, whatever’ and ‘good enough for government work’ is acceptable. Not just from others, but from themselves.

  2. Bruce says:

    A question. Infrastructure and WATER services are the ones tasked with finding the “root cause” and ensuring passenger safety? Do these entities have the expertise? or do they think the LRT is a boat?

  3. The Voter says:


    That’s easy – they are obviously planning to run the LRT down the Rideau River and/or Canal. The good people of Barrhaven can look forward to hopping aboard at the about-to-be-built Vimy Bridge Station much sooner than the tracks will ever get to Barrhaven!

    The land-based system isn’t working for them so they’ll give a water-based version a whirl. Maybe they can use a hovercraft or amphibious vehicle that can handle the portages around the rapids and falls.

  4. Bruce says:

    Voter They have,if what you say is correct, again failed in the planning for a boat system. They forgot about WINTER, the lowering of the water in the Rideau canal and the lock system. It will be one more feather in their boa duster.

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