Tierney PR Watch: News On The March

Monday was Tim Tierney Construction Season Day and it’s hard to say how people celebrated.

Here at Bulldog World Headquarters we started by getting into two traffic jams and had to rinse the car to get all the dust off from unfolding light-rail construction. No doubt many of you did the same in Dusty-Hole-By-The-Rideau. Then a BBQ and fireworks. To get the true feel of marking the celebration of construction season, we point you to most unfinished parts of the light-rail project. Don’t worry about missing them on Construction Day. They will be there for years or about when Haley’s Comet comes by again.

In reality, Construction Day is a concoction of Beacon Hill-Cyrville Councillor Tierney and his ex-mayor-Jim Watson appointed predecessor doo-bies on the transportation standing committee at Ottawa City Hall. It is, what we called in the great unwashed journalism community, a grip-and-grin … a photo op where the victim grins and grips a hand and there is no news.

Your agent would have gone but for the fact that his wardrobe might not have met the Happy Town News “business attire” high standard and we couldn’t understand the “walking shoe” requirements. On a serious note, just how precious and controlling can you get. And you had to register to stand on a public street. Good grief.

That said, Tierney’s business attire was fetching.

Of course, these orchestrated non-events are the bane of news organizations except when you have no news or need a picture or film.

The Bulldog promised you a list of characters who bit on this bit of fluff and full frontal publicity for Tierney, he of many such stunts.

Not-especially-exhaustive research by the crack Bulldog Statistics Department revealed that CTV News Ottawa covered this whipped air but the department failed to find others conspirators. If someone finds another example, the whole statistics department will be fired.

Not only did it cover this ground-breaking event, it did so twice, it appears … and updated it for further developments.

Here is the video and story evidence: Here and here.

Ken Gray


Movietone News Opening Titles 1941

The End: Movie-Reel News On The March concludes. It no doubt had more info than Monday’s Tierney-fest.


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End This Epic LRT Failure Doug Ford

Councillor Tim Tierney Does It Again

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