Ottawa Short Electricity For E-Buses? PATTON


Why has Ottawa bought two huge gas generators to charge its fleet of zero emission buses?

Will Infrastructure Support Electric Buses?

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and a Conservative activist.


Province Needs To Get City Out Of Gutter: THE VOTER

Controversial E-Bus Generators Run On Natural Gas

City Hall’s MO? Ready, Fire, Aim: BENN

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1 Response

  1. sisco farraro says:

    What if Ottawa experiences power outages more and more into the future? Will people be able to heat their homes,? How will people get to work? It doesn’t matter that many people work at home now after the covid-19 pandemic because they’ll still need power to run their computers in order to carry out their work-related tasks. Etc. Etc. Those making decisions at city hall have once again failed to conduct an impact analysis prior to finalizing their solution to what they think is a problem. A new motto for city hall should be “who cares about practical, let’s go sexy”, or perhaps “why think, let’s just jump off the cliff with all the other lemmings”.

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