The Nightmayor Continues


The ByWard Market is falling apart but the city can find the money for a nightlife commissioner.

The program is called (the exclamation point is the city’s) Nightlife Economy  Action Plan! Too bad they don’t show this kind of enthusiasm filling potholes:

To: Mayor Sutcliffe and Members of Council 

From: David Wise 

Director (A), Economic Development and Long-Range  


Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development 


Subject: Nightlife Commissioner Recruitment Date: 8 February 2024

Please be advised that the job posting for the new Nightlife Commissioner position is now available Nightlife Commissioner ( The posting will be live for the next three weeks until March 1, 2024 


On May 10, 2023, City Council approved Ottawa’s first-ever Nightlife Economy Action Plan. It establishes  a foundation from which Ottawa can build on its competitive strengths and address challenges in the  development and delivery of nightlife infrastructure, amenities, and experiences and create a more vibrant,  diverse, inclusive, viable, safe and well-managed nightlife for residents, visitors, and businesses. 

The Nightlife Commissioner will serve as the steward of the city’s nightlife economy, lead the  implementation of the Nightlife Economy Action Plan, and help shape the future of Ottawa’s nightlife. The  Nightlife Commissioner will collaborate with partners and stakeholders to influence and enhance  community safety and wellbeing, quality of life and commercial vibrancy across the city. 


The City’s Public Information and Media Relations team will promote this opportunity through the City’s  social media platforms. We invite you to engage, repost and share content on X, Facebook, Instagram and  LinkedIn. Sample posts and newsletter content are available below. You may also borrow content from a  feature story about the Nightlife Commissioner and Nightlife Economy Action Plan, which will be emailed to  subscribers and posted on the Newsroom page in the coming days. 

Interested candidates should be directed to apply here Nightlife Commissioner ( Sincerely, 

David Wise 

Cc: City Manager, Extended Senior Leadership Team 

Sample Social Media Messages: 

The City of Ottawa is now hiring our first-ever Nightlife Commissioner to implement the Nightlife Economy  Action Plan! Check out the job description here. #OttawaNightLife #OttNightLifeCommissioner #OttCity  #Hiring #OttCityJobs 

We are looking for #OttCity’s first-ever Nightlife Commissioner. Learn more about how this role will support  Ottawa and lead the new Nightlife Economy Action Plan. Nightlife Commissioner ( #OttawaNightLife #OttNightLifeCommissioner #Hiring #OttCityJobs 

Sample Newsletter Content: 

As implementation of Ottawa’s Nightlife Economy Action Plan continues, the City is hiring its first-ever  Nightlife Commissioner. The Nightlife Commissioner will serve as the steward of the city’s nightlife  economy and help shape the future of Ottawa’s nightlife. They will collaborate with partners and  stakeholders to influence and enhance community safety and wellbeing, quality of life and commercial  vibrancy across the city and create a more vibrant, diverse, inclusive, viable, safe and well-managed  nightlife for residents, visitors and businesses. To learn more about the position, please visit Nightlife  Commissioner (


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4 Responses

  1. Luke Chadwick says:

    Nightlife Commissioner. Unbelievable. Nightlife is something spontaneous and not something that is created through a think tank, QUANGO or government mandarin. Only in Ottawa would they think that this is something that will result in spontaneous fun and lively streets etc.

  2. Ron Benn says:

    This is what passes for action down at city hall. The concept of the role of a night mayor was approved on May 10, 2023. The job description was posted on February 8, 2024.

    A nine month gestation period!

  3. Bruce says:

    AT what cost to the taxpayer? Projected return?How long before some return?

  4. The Voter says:

    In the job posting, it refers prospective candidates to the City’s “Core Behaviours” expectations. Some of the criteria are very curious. For example:

    Pursues and applies creativity and originality in performing their daily work, and where appropriate questions whether the current approach is still the best approach. Suggests or applies new ways of addressing ongoing work issues and challenges. Sees possibilities that others have not yet seen, or combines ideas and approaches suggested by others in a manner that results in improvements/solutions.

    Interactive communication
    Communicates effectively and appropriately, is proficient, professional and courteous in oral and written communication. Communicates in an honest and open manner. Uses good judgment as to what to communicate, to whom, as well as the best way to get that accomplished. Speaks in a clear and credible manner, selecting the right tone for the situation and audience. Invites and gives constructive feedback and actively listens to others and allows them the opportunity to fully express themselves.”

    Funny, I can think of several City offices where behaviour like that would shorten your career very quickly. Suggesting that the current way of doing things not only can be improved upon but is wrong?? Communicating with people in a clear manner?? Uses good judgement?? That last one, of course, applies when your judgement is being used to protect the status quo and those responsible for it.

    Maybe the “Core Behaviours” list is aspirational. Or maybe it’s open to ‘interpretation’.

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