Freezing Police Budget Will Get OPS Attention


I’ve had another instance related to me of an officer who was speeding without his emergency lights on and then found in a retail outlet.

The excuse? Wait for it. The officer was on a call and then was taken off it. The identical excuse that was related to me by another person in a similar situation. Is this the go-to excuse for police speeding?

The person telling me this was furious. He wants to defund the police and he’s not to be confused with a person from the left … or the centre for that matter.

Your agent can’t agree with that. There are lots of good officers doing the job we expect of them and more.

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But there are others. A lot of them. And now they are in the process of politicizing the police which is very dangerous in a healthy democracy.

So here’s what The Bulldog suggests we do. Freeze the police budget. Yes, freeze the budget until the police show real, measurable signs that they are becoming the force (rather than the club) that taxpayers expect. Money will get their attention.

And what do we do with the extra money? Well we could pay down debt. We could balance the budget which by law the municipality is required to do but hasn’t. We could buy even more ambulances and hire more paramedics. Those are good people who work very hard and do life-saving work. They are also very badly needed. And we don’t see 10 of their cars at lunch time gathered around Broadway’s in the south end of the city. I expect the conversation among the dining occupants of those 10 cars is how badly they are treated by the public and that Ottawans don’t understand the difficulty of their jobs and that’s why they have to plant evidence to incriminate someone.

Sorry, I can’t think of a rationale why they are racists and misogynists. That’s not me saying that. That’s their former chief. Maybe they can, say, over lunch.

The police are very substandard now. They are arrogant, entitled and will cover for their buddies no matter what they do. Oh yes, and they intimidate youngsters in buses who flip the bird at them because they have extremely thin skin and, apparently, not enough to do. You can bet your racist thin-blue-line flag on that.

Freeze the police budget until the force gets markedly better. Most certainly better than the clown show they put on with the Freedom Convey protest.

And the chief’s solution is to get officers into the schools so students won’t hate the police club for the rest of the kids’ lives. They’ve already been at the schools … ushering a terrified kid into the principal’s office for doing next to nothing.

I don’t want those thugs anywhere near students. I don’t want young people to follow the example of the police. I want them to turn out like good and honourable citizens of this community.

Ken Gray

 — .your .bulldog


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