Interim City Solicitor Appointed

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

Subject / Objet New Interim City Solicitor Date: April 11, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that Stuart Huxley will  serve as Interim City Solicitor, effective April 12, 2024, aligning with David White’s retirement.  

Stuart has been an integral part of the City’s Legal Services team for nearly 25 years, most  recently serving as Senior Legal Counsel. During this time, Stuart has provided legal counsel on  a variety of municipal, administrative and regulatory matters. In addition, Stuart has led the City’s  Municipal and Regulatory Law Practice Group for eight years. This group provides advice on the  Municipal Act, 2001, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the City of Ottawa Act, 1999, and legal support under the Assessment Act, Building Code Act, Fire  Protection and Prevention Act, Health Protection and Promotion Act, Environmental Protection  Act, Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and various other provincial laws,  regulations and municipal by-laws. 

Throughout the past two decades, Stuart has conducted prosecutions of City by-laws and  provincial statutes before the Ontario Court of Justice and has appeared before all levels of  courts on various litigation files as well as coroner’s inquests, public inquiries and administrative  tribunals.  

As Interim City Solicitor, Stuart will play a key role in helping the City deliver on its housing  agenda and targets, while supporting the overall advancement of the 2023-2026 Term of Council  Priorities. 

Given his in-depth knowledge and experience, Stuart is well positioned to lead the team in Legal  Services to provide a wide range of services to elected officials, City departments and various  boards and commissions, in the areas of civil litigation, labour and employment law, prosecutions,  and corporate, municipal, planning, development, environmental and commercial law.  

Stuart began his career at the City in 1998, as an articling student and was called to the Ontario  Bar in 2000. Stuart has a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) from the University of Lethbridge and a law degree from the University of Ottawa. Stuart is a member of the Association of  Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMTCO) and a member of the County of  Carleton Law Association (CCLA). 

As a leader, Stuart is committed to the development of others. Currently, he teaches Legislation  and Law to municipal staff from across the province via Good Roads Ontario and teaches  Municipal & Planning Law at the University of Ottawa Law School. He has also taught municipal  law and administrative law at Algonquin College and corporate law at Carleton University. 

I have every confidence that Stuart will continue to provide exceptional legal counsel to the  organization and leadership to the Legal Services team. I want to once again thank David White,  City Solicitor and Interim City Clerk, for his dedication and leadership at the City.  

On behalf of the senior leadership team, please join me in congratulating Stuart as he prepares to  step into the Interim City Solicitor role on April 12. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.  Sincerely, 

Wendy Stephanson 

City Manager 

cc: Senior Leadership Team 

 Extended Senior Leadership Team  

Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General 

 Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library 

Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health 

Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services


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4 Responses

  1. David says:

    Why “interim?” Just go and make him permanent. We know that’s where it’s going. Just another At All Costs Avoid a National Competition.

  2. Been There says:

    I’m sure he is an honest and hard working member of staff, but his only experience, since leaving school, has been in the city legal department. How can there possibly be a change in culture at city hall if the top jobs are filled by the person who just happens to be next in line. White announced his retirement months ago why wasn’t an external search started then. How long will it be before interim turns into permanent?

  3. David says:

    So – what about the City Clerk vacancy? The one thing worse for an organization (especially one with serious challenges) than an incestuous recruitment practice is multiple “acting” officials at the pointy end.

  4. Ken Gray says:


    Nope but a good try.



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