The Bulldog Live Chat Begins At 6 P.M. Join Us


We’re ready to go for The Bulldog Live Chat on What’s Wrong At Ottawa City Hall?

The chat begins at 6 p.m. Tell the city what you think.


The Bulldog Live Chat has concluded. Please click here to see a transcript of Tuesday night’s proceedings


Can things go much worse at Ottawa City Hall?

Now you have a chance to answer that question by joining our Bulldog Live Chat on Tuesday.

The topic? What’s Wrong At City Hall?

What is wrong? One day after OC Transpo announces that it has tested the east extension of the O-Train (at walking speed), the Trillium Line completion is delayed again. If it opens in September (it will be a moving target), the Trillium Line will be two years late.

This is the same line where the winning bidder of the procurement failed the technical specifications, not once, but twice. This is the same procurement that the municipal auditor general refuses to investigate. Two years late and two failed procurement technical tests.

This is the same auditor general who announced a probe of the Lansdowne 2.0 but told Ottawans in advance that the audit might not give the public the answers to questions they want to know.

Meanwhile, after the Ottawa Police Service failed to control the Freedom Convoy downtown and had to call on other police forces to clean up the mess, the OPS asked Ottawa bylaw not to issue tickets to protesters at a convoy anniversary celebration … the same type of action that spawned the original protest to get out of control. A national inquiry and an international embarrassment later but the police do the same thing again.

The roads are a mess, staff says our landfill capacity is diminishing rapidly but council finds the money for a “nightmayor.”

Can’t anyone there play this game?

Now you have a chance to express your views to the people behind the 131,000 page views The Bulldog generates a week.

Tell city hall what you think. They’ll be reading. One of The Bulldog’s last live chats generated more than 50,000 pageviews in two hours. Be heard.

So join us Tuesday, March 5 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The Bulldog values your input.

Be there.

Ken Gray


Trillium Line LRT Suffers Major Delay

How Do You Discredit The Ottawa Police Service?

Sutcliffe Needs A 5% Tax Hike: BENN

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5 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    First off, I presume expletives will not be permitted. Rats. Secondly, I visited an ear specialist many years ago to see if there were any problems with my hearing. He told me everything was fine. He also noted that most people aren’t hard of hearing, they’re hard of listening. With that in mind, will the audience from city hall listen to what they’re being told?

  2. Kosmo says:

    Can things go much worse at Ottawa City Hall? NO!!! See you Wednesday March 6th.

  3. peter karwacki says:

    The paradigm no longer works.

    AI is needed

  4. Ron Benn says:

    Kosmo, Wednesday March 6 is a day late. It is up to Ken to decide whether you are a dollar short.

  5. The Voter says:

    Only two hours to cover what’s wrong at Ottawa City Hall? We could do this for two hours every Tuesday for the next six months and still only scrape the surface.